Bounce Back Loans: – not many high streets banks are offering this now, if you have not already taken the maximum BBL and are wanting to access the scheme I would recommend Starling bank as they are still accepting applications whether you have an account with them or not- however their waiting list prioritises starling customers so opening a business account is best option. I currently bank with Starling and have found them exceptionally helpful.
Local authority grants: – Each council is different but they have all been changing their application rounds and criterial throughout the year – so it is worthwhile refreshing whether it’s an option for you. It may also be possible to submit a claim for each council area operated in rather than just the one where you live. I’m aware of at least two variations of these – the local Restrictions Support Grant and the Additional Restrictions Grant.
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan – the Government have extended the application deadline to 31st March 2021 –
Discretionary grants – On 5th January 2021 Rishi Sunak announced £4.6 billion in new lockdown grants to support businesses and protect jobs. Whether this is additional funding for existing schemes or newly defined grant support we will have to wait and see.
For those of you who have had no Government support at all, there is an active facebook group called ExlcudedUK which have been lobbying Government, posting petitions, and been in the media recently.